
WCS Connect System

The Challenge

Project Management System

It is known that WCS as a large and busy NGO has complex programs. Therefore, it is necessary to have a project management application that can manage the project flow and process the collected data to be presented in a comprehensive and clear manner.

With this project management application, WCS can easily manage their programs, both from the implementation team, or better known as volunteers, and also by the supervisory team. Apart from that. with good data output processing, WCS also able to use this application to create reports for donors.


Wildlife Conservation Society




Web-app Design & Development

Wildlife Conservation Society is a New York-based conservation organization that aims to conserve the world’s largest wild places in 14 priority regions, home to more than 50% of the world’s biodiversity. The WCS Indonesia Program is one of the largest WCS programs globally with more than 300 full-time staff.

Witness on Weekend